Mesothelioma is known as one of the most dangerous type of cancer. So far there is certain and one hundred percent effective in curing this cancer. He had developed a chemotherapy treatment to help patients with mesothelioma. This treatment was developed with the electro shock treatment base. The idea is to give the patient some shock, then the shocks were sent to the brain to stop and help reduce pain in certain areas. This type of
mesothelioma treatment is called TENS, support for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) therapy gently arouses nerves and blocks pain signals before they can be received by the brain. It is especially popular in older patients, which can be severely affected by side effects of strong prescription drugs, however, can be used by anyone who suffers from pain.
TENS therapy is usually used to relieve back pain, but many types and causes of pain can benefit from it, such as arthritis.
The good thing about this treatment at home can do for yourself. The patient may have a device that can be used for
TENS treatment. In the earlier stage patients ENET therapist must help them use the device and find some places where you should put on treatment with TENS. Another benefit that the patient might have with this type of treatment would not have to worry about side effects, as in any other treatment. But pregnant women should know that they must consult their physician before using this treatment as your choice.
This treatment may be safe option for treatment of
mesothelioma chemotherapy or other treatment, is safe, no side effects and can also be done at home by the patient. But still, to choose the best treatment, consult your doctor or health advisor first to match its status with the treatment you should choose.